2,206 research outputs found

    The development of listening skill and autonomous behaviors through the implementation of flipped learning approach

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    119 Páginas.This small-scale action research study examined the impact of implementing the four pillars of flipped learning to improve listening skills and develop autonomy through listening tasks. The study was conducted with false beginner English level children and teenagers students of two public schools in Bogotá, Colombia. Participants exposed their need to improve listening skills in their foreign language learning. In Colombia, there are two studies which investigate the impact of flipped learning in undergraduate population, but, there is not any which interrelate flipped learning, listening skills and autonomy on public schools. Data obtained from different instruments were analyzed through the grounded theory method. The results revealed that the adoption of the flipped learning approach had a positive impact on the participants’ listening skills and the development of their autonomy; they contributed to the improvement of the teaching and learning process in aspects such as flexible environment, learning culture, intentional content and professional, educator; students had the opportunity to improve on individual variation, contextualized additional activities, motivation and strategic dimension; and to develop autonomous behavior such as responsibility, accessibility, active participation, prior knowledge and self-reflection

    In Class Flip: Triggering Second Graders Self- Regulation

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    139 páginasThe current action-research explored the effects of In-class Flip on second graders selfregulation when writing narrative texts. The strategy selected to address the problem proposed a shift towards a student-centered classroom in elementary education where there is a transition from teacher-centered to student-centered environments. The study was conducted with a group of 25 female students between 8 and 9 years old at a private trilingual institution in Bogota. No previous studies have been conducted in the area of In-class flip to foster self-regulation in elementary students, for this reason this study presents relevant findings in the field. Data were collected through different instruments such as teacher’s journals, focus group, writing artifacts, satisfaction survey and a self-regulation questionnaire; these were analyzed using the Grounded Theory method. Results evidenced that In-class flip triggered self-regulatory behaviors and enhanced participants’ writing process. The study concluded that providing a student-centered atmosphere improves self-regulation but requires a change in teachers’ mindset, careful planning and thoughtful consideration of students’ needs and interests

    The Benefits of Flipped Classroom Model for Efl Learners

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    The flipped classroom model is an instructional strategy that is currently gaining popularity among educators and instructors. It differs from the traditional teaching approach, in which teachers primarily give instructions in classrooms. Before class, students are asked to watch video that contains the materials which are going to be discussed in class. The teacher then encourages them to participate actively in class and work together with their classmates. The advantages of applying FCM in the context of EFL learners have existed since its application in every field, however only few scholars discussed it with the limited aspect. The purpose of this study is to present the benefits of FCM for EFL learners through discussing the ideas proposed by some scholars that have seen some advantages via their research. The discussion focuses on the benefits in the context of EFL learner with some elaborations concerning the importance of FCM in education field with a short elaboration of the benefits for teacher as a part of the learning process

    Exploring the influence of flipped learning strategy on tenth graders writing process at two public schools in Bogota : a route towards differentiation

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    140 p. Francia Catalina Torres Velandia (Tesis).pdfFrancia Catalina Torres Velandia (R.A.I.).xlsxEsta investigación acción examinó el impacto de la enseñanza invertida y diferenciada en el proceso de escritura en inglés. El estudio se realizó con alumnos de nivel de inglés A1 en grado décimo de dos colegios públicos de Bogotá, quienes demostraron dificultades con el vocabulario y la organización de ideas al producir textos escritos. Muy pocos estudios se han realizado en el contexto colombiano sobre el efecto de las estrategias de aprendizaje invertido en la escritura, en diferenciación y en el proceso de escritura, pero se han aplicado principalmente a nivel universitario. Por esta razón, no fue posible encontrar ningún estudio anterior en el que todos estos factores estuvieran integrados en el desarrollo de la escritura a nivel escolar. Los datos fueron recogidos mediante una prueba de escritura de entrada y una de salida, cuestionarios (encuestas de análisis de necesidades y encuesta final), artefactos de los alumnos (dos productos escritos resultantes de talleres de proceso de escritura) y registros escritos de las docentes investigadoras los cuales fueron analizados a través del método de la teoría fundamentada. Después de analizar los datos, se evidenció que la enseñanza diferenciada e invertida ayudó a mejorar la escritura de los estudiantes ya que hubo una mejora notable en la calidad, complejidad y claridad de sus textos escritos. La implementación de esta estrategia contribuyó en el desempeño de profesores y alumnos, el interés de los estudiantes por el aprendizaje del inglés y el fomento de la autonomía en los alumnosThis action research examined the impact of differentiated flipped instruction on English process writing. The study was conducted with A1 English level tenth graders from two public schools in Bogota, who demonstrated difficulties with vocabulary and ideas organization when producing written texts. Very few studies have been carried out in the Colombian context on the effect of flipped learning strategies on writing, and on differentiation and the writing process, but they have been applied mainly at university level. For this reason, it was not possible to find any previous study in which all these factors were integrated towards writing development at the school level. Data were collected by means of an entry and exit writing test, questionnaires (needs analysis surveys and final survey), learners’ artifacts (two writing products resulting from the writing process workshops) and teachers-researchers memoirs, which were analyzed through the grounded theory method. After analyzing the data, it was evidenced that flipperentiated instruction helped enhance students’ writing as learners had a remarkable improvement in the quality, complexity and clarity of their written texts. The implementation of this strategy contributed to teacher and learners’ performance, students’ interest towards English learning, and fostering learners’ autonomous behaviorsMagister en didáctica del inglés para el aprendizaje autodirigidoMaestríaBásica secundariaMedia (10 y 11)Humanidades, lengua castellana e idiomas extranjerosEstudiantesMixtoDidácticaEvaluaciónRecursos educativos físicos o virtualesTecnologías de la Información y la ComunicaciónAulaEste trabajo se puede extender a la mayoria de las áreas del conocimiento, y se puede trabajar en todos los niveles de educación ya que ofrece grandes posibilidades de acceder de forma autónoma al conocimiento

    Trialing project-based learning in a new EAP ESP course: A collaborative reflective practice of three college English teachers

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    Currently in many Chinese universities, the traditional College English course is facing the risk of being ‘marginalized’, replaced or even removed, and many hours previously allocated to the course are now being taken by EAP or ESP. At X University in northern China, a curriculum reform as such is taking place, as a result of which a new course has been created called ‘xue ke’ English. Despite the fact that ‘xue ke’ means subject literally, the course designer has made it clear that subject content is not the target, nor is the course the same as EAP or ESP. This curriculum initiative, while possibly having been justified with a rationale of some kind (e.g. to meet with changing social and/or academic needs of students and/or institutions), this is posing a great challenge for, as well as considerable pressure on, a number of College English teachers who have taught this single course for almost their entire teaching career. In such a context, three teachers formed a peer support group in Semester One this year, to work collaboratively co-tackling the challenge, and they chose Project-Based Learning (PBL) for the new course. This presentation will report on the implementation of this project, including the overall designing, operational procedure, and the teachers’ reflections. Based on discussion, pre-agreement was reached on the purpose and manner of collaboration as offering peer support for more effective teaching and learning and fulfilling and pleasant professional development. A WeChat group was set up as the chief platform for messaging, idea-sharing, and resource-exchanging. Physical meetings were supplementary, with sound agenda but flexible time, and venues. Mosoteach cloud class (lan mo yun ban ke) was established as a tool for virtual learning, employed both in and after class. Discussions were held at the beginning of the semester which determined only brief outlines for PBL implementation and allowed space for everyone to autonomously explore in their own way. Constant further discussions followed, which generated a great deal of opportunities for peer learning and lesson plan modifications. A reflective journal, in a greater or lesser detailed manner, was also kept by each teacher to record the journey of the collaboration. At the end of the semester, it was commonly recognized that, although challenges existed, the collaboration was overall a success and they were all willing to continue with it and endeavor to refine it to be a more professional and productive approach

    The Attitudes of Saudi Intermediate Students towards English Speaking Tasks in Flipped Learning via an Online Learning Community

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    This paper investigates Saudi intermediate students’ attitudes towards using flipped learning via an online learning community to enhance their speaking skill at a Saudi female’s public-school number 186. The writer observed and analysed the effect of using flipped learning in an online community on the development and engagement of students in speaking tasks. The study uses a quantitative quasi-experimental method to describe and analyse the student’s attitudes and development of the speaking skill among Arabic-speaking students in the public-school number 186 in Saudi Arabia during the academic year 2019-2020. The researcher applied a questionnaire and an observation checklist as the main instrument to achieve the study goal. The findings of the study were not statistically significant regarding the effect of flipped learning via an Online Learning Community (OLC) on the development of students’ speaking skill. However, there was a slight difference in the mean scores in favor to the post-test of the experimental group. The students’ attitudes were positive towards the flipped learning via OLC for speaking tasks

    The In-class Flip for developing grammar skills while fostering self regulation

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    141 páginasEste estudio se centró en mejorar la gramática y fomentar la autorregulación. La estrategia del Flip en clase se seleccionó para proporcionar a los estudiantes un enfoque más centrado en el estudiante y un entorno de interacción con el contenido. El tipo de diseño de investigación fue cuantitativo y cualitativo con un uso profundo de la investigación de acción dentro del diseño de la teoría fundamentada. El propósito era exponer a los estudiantes a la estrategia Flip en clase en la que podían acceder al contenido e interactuar a través de estrategias metacognitivas, que a su vez afectaban sus habilidades gramaticales y autorregulación. Hubo 22 participantes entre las edades de 18 a 30, en un centro privado de idiomas ubicado dentro de una universidad pública en Riobamba, Ecuador. Debido a pocos estudios sobre el Flip en clase como estrategia para la gramática y la autorregulación en la enseñanza del idioma inglés en Ecuador, se incluyeron los estudios pertinentes para complementar el estudio. Se utilizaron instrumentos de recolección de datos para descubrir mejoras gramaticales y rasgos de autorregulación en los estudiantes después del período de implementación. El estudio concluyó que el uso de un entorno centrado en el estudiante promueve la autorregulación y el desarrollo de la gramática a través del acceso flexible a materiales y tareas de contenido

    Fostering Fluency in EFL Adult Learners through Flipped Learning

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    Este proyecto surge de la necesidad que tienen los alumnos adultos del grupo 1B en cuanto a la comunicación, específicamente en el desarrollo de la fluidez en el habla. Para contribuir a este aspecto, Se eligió Flipped Learning, considerando su papel en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de EFL. En esto este proyecto tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia del Flipped Learning en el desarrollo de fluidez oral en inglés de estudiantes adultos en un nivel básico. Para lograr este objetivo, fue necesario diagnosticar el nivel inicial de los estudiantes en términos de fluidez, para fomentar la fluidez de los estudiantes en inglés mediantela implementación de Flipped Learning y analizar y evaluar el efecto de Flipped Aprendizaje sobre la fluidez oral de los estudiantes. En el marco del enfoque cualitativo y la investigación acción, este proyecto contiene tres capítulos El primero reporta la descripción del problema del que parte este proyecto de investigación. surge; el historial de investigación local, nacional e internacional; las motivaciones y razones que validar este proyecto de investigación; la pregunta de investigación que este estudio intenta responder; los objetivos a alcanzar; y las teorías y los conceptos que la sustentan. El segundo capítulo tiene que ver con el enfoque y tipo de investigación realizada, las técnicas e instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de datos, y la población y muestra objeto de estudio. En el último capítulo, considerando el “análisis temático”, los temas o patrones que surgieron durante el Se introducirá el proceso de análisis de los datos. Algunos gráficos y fragmentos, tomados de los datos. Se presentarán instrumentos de recolección, para sustentar los hallazgos. Finalmente, las conclusiones a las que se llegó por el profesor en formación después de este proceso de investigación se mostrará.Universidad Libre – Facultad de Ciencias de la educación -- Licenciatura en educación básica con énfasis en humanidades y lenguasThis project arises from the need that adult students in group 1B have in terms of oral communication, specifically in the development of fluency in speech. To contribute to this aspect, Flipped Learning was chosen, considering its role in the EFL teaching-learning process. In this way, this project aimed at determining the influence of Flipped Learning in the development of oral fluency in English of adult learners at a basic level. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to diagnose students’ initial level in terms of fluency, to encourage students’ fluency in English by means of the implementation of Flipped Learning and to analyze and evaluate the effect of Flipped Learning on students’ oral fluency. Within the framework of the qualitative approach and action research, this project contains three chapters. The first one reports the description of the problem from which this research project arises; the local, national and international research background; the motivations and reasons that validate this research project; the research question that this study attempts to answer; the objectives to be achieved; and the theories and the concepts that support it. The second chapter has to do with the approach and type of research carried out, the techniques and instruments used for data collection, and the population and sample under study. In the last chapter, considering the “thematic analysis”, the themes or patterns that emerged during the process of analyzing the data will be introduced. Some charts and fragments, taken from the data collection instruments, to support the findings will be presented. Finally, the conclusions reached by the pre-service teacher after this research process will be shown

    Teaching, learning, and assessment activities used in additional language courses offered in blended contexts to promote the development of learners’ language skills in higher education

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    Abstract : This master’s dissertation explores the teaching, learning, and assessment activities that higher education instructors use in additional language courses in a blended format from an instructional design perspective. The types of activities that instructors use in order to develop learners’ language skills and the design of blended language courses have been under-researched in the literature, even though blended learning approaches in language learning have been used approximately since 2000 (Grgurović, 2017). Given the fast technology development, particularly web 2.0 technologies and other digital tools, and the possibility of learning an additional language, it becomes highly important to understand how additional language teaching and learning take place in these contexts. Moreover, the COVID¬ 19 pandemic has accelerated how technology is used by higher education institutions (Skulmowski & Rey, 2020). Therefore, in this study, the focus is on the language activities performed in the different types of blended courses, such as blended courses, blended online courses, and blended synchronous courses, as well as the mode in which they are performed: asynchronous, synchronous and face to face. The general objective of this study is to describe the additional language teaching, learning, and assessment activities used by instructors in blended courses to promote additional language skills development in higher education. To attain this objective, I formulated two specific objectives: 1. Describe instructors’ choices of teaching, learning, and assessment activities, and digital tools used in additional language blended courses. 2. Describe the complementarity between asynchronous, synchronous, and face to face activities’ modes. This study uses a qualitative methodology that is aligned with the objectives of the dissertation. The selected sample consists of three additional language instructors who taught English, French, and Spanish in a blended format at a university in Quebec province. The data collection methods include a semi-structured interview and the use of course documents. The data analysis methods consist of a descriptive thematic analysis and a documentary analysis. Moreover, the results and discussion are presented in the form of an article that has been submitted for publication to the Japan Association for Language Teaching Computer Assisted Language Learning Special Interest Group Journal (JALT CALL journal). It should be highlighted that this study uses secondary data from a larger study called “Élaboration et validation d'un modèle explicatif de la persévérance et de la performance dans les cours hybrides en enseignement supérieur” (Lakhal et al., 2019) which was subsidized by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). The results of this study show that the activities performed in the blended courses for additional language learning are varied and are influenced by the affordances of technology and the blended courses’ modes. Generally, in these courses different skills and areas are developed: speaking, listening, reading, writing, subskills (i.e., grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation), digital competency, metacognition, and content transfer and consolidation. The participants used the asynchronous mode for doing content transfer activities, developing learners’ digital competency, developing their comprehension skills, and preparing them for synchronous and/or face-to face modes. When it comes to synchronous and face to faced modes, the participants selected them to promote interaction and collaboration among learners, thus it involved the development of productive skills such as writing and speaking. Nevertheless, the four skills are spread in the different course modes, so they are not specific to only one mode. Concerning the digital tools used in the courses, they were diverse and mainly linked to the licenses available to the university. However, the study specifies a range of digital tools and the activities they support, some are specific to language teaching and learning. Finally, these results are relevant to the field in that they contribute to filling a gap in the scientific literature concerning the intersection between additional language teaching and learning and blended learning, they add knowledge to the discussion available in the scarce scientific literature about this intersection, and finally, they provide insights to language instructors in higher education teaching in blended formats about the different activities available to be taught in blended courses and reasons to implement them

    Understanding decision-making in autonomous language education

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    114 páginasAutonomy has been an important concept associated with language learning. Previous research has highlighted the importance of fostering autonomy outside the classroom and the influence of technology for autonomous language learning environments. However, little attention has been given to the development of autonomy as a decision-making ability and its impact on the language learning process. Therefore, the target study explored different decision making strategies with a target group of students to determine which learning practices emerged when they work on their writing English assignments. By using mixed-method, action research, and data analysis, this research project concluded the degree in which a learner can make decisions regarding his/her language learning. The data collected demonstrated the interaction of decision-making strategies and writing tasks produced successful autonomous learning practices. Through the classroom implementation students recognized that factors such as time, feedback, and metacognitive strategies helped them work autonomously. For example, they became less dependent on the educator and more confident in performing language activities. To facilitate their learning, they were asked to apply skills they had acquired in different life experiences. This helped students become aware of their process and factors that were out of their control. These outcomes indicate that training students in decision-making improves students’ learning and introduces new methods for teaching language learners in Colombia.La autonomía se ha posicionado recientemente como un concepto importante asociado con el aprendizaje de idiomas. Investigaciones anteriores han resaltado la importancia de fomentar la autonomía fuera del aula y la influencia de la tecnología en entornos autónomos de aprendizaje de lenguas. Sin embargo, se ha prestado poca atención al desarrollo de la autonomía como la capacidad de toma de decisiones y su impacto en este proceso de aprendizaje. Por lo tanto, el estudio de investigación exploró diferentes estrategias de toma de decisiones con un grupo focal de estudiantes para demostrar qué prácticas de aprendizaje surgen cuando trabajaban en sus actividades de escritura en inglés. Mediante el uso de un método mixto, investigación acción y análisis de datos, fue posible detectar el grado en que un alumno puede decidir en su aprendizaje del inglés. Los datos recopilados demostraron que la interacción de las estrategias de toma de decisiones y las tareas de escritura produjeron prácticas de aprendizaje autónomo exitosas. En la implementación en el aula, los estudiantes reconocieron que factores como el tiempo, la retroalimentación y las estrategias metacognitivas los ayudaron a trabajar de manera autónoma. Por ejemplo, se volvieron menos dependientes del educador y lograron ser más seguros al realizar las actividades. Para facilitar su aprendizaje, se les pidió que aplicaran las habilidades que habían adquirido en diferentes experiencias de su vida. Esta actividad ayudó a los estudiantes a tomar conciencia de sus procesos y factores que estaban fuera de su control. Estos resultados indican que capacitar a los estudiantes en la toma de decisiones mejora el aprendizaje de los estudiantes e introduce nuevos métodos para la enseñanza de idiomas en Colombia.Maestría en Didáctica del Inglés con Énfasis en Ambientes de Aprendizaje AutónomoMagíster en Didáctica del Inglés con Énfasis en Ambientes de Aprendizaje Autónom